hand dryer rentals Direct UK Deals is thrilled to announce the launch of Direct UK Hand Dryer Rentals – available now at http://hand-dryer.rentals.

Through the last four years’ work at Electrical Deals Direct and the Hand Dryer Warehouse,  Direct UK Deals has not only built up a solid customer base of many thousands of hand dryer customers, but it has also been building a solid and enviable reputation for reliable, unbiased advice on which hand dryers our customers should choose.

There are frequently situations where our customers are rather surprised that, after understanding their most important requirements, we end up recommending a different hand dryer for them which costs a great deal less than the one they originally came to us to buy!

This absolute commitment from all areas of Direct UK Deals that we will not let sales values get in the way of our customers being happy is paying off, as we see more and more repeat customers to all of our hand dryer sites.

And the latest requirement that we have heard from our customers is that they do not always want to purchase a hand dryer outright – so we have been working over the last several months to put the right partners in place for us to be able to offer rental agreements for hand dryers.

Hand dryer rental is a great solution for many types of organisation, and when it comes packaged with free nationwide hand dryer package options installation and on-site breakdown call-out services for the life of the rental agreement, it becomes even better.

Just as with hand dryers purchased outright, the right conversation at the start of the process so we can recommend the best dryer for the customer requirements and environment, is the most important part of ending up with a happy customer. So not surprisingly, we so are taking exactly this approach to the rental side of the business as well.

We are confident the rental packages and prices we have put together will create even more happy and returning customers – to find out more please pay a visit to http://hand-dryer.rentals and let us know what you think!