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Air Curtains are devices that are used to prevent air or contaminants from being able to travel from one open space to another.
They work by separating the two different temperature zones, it does this generally by having one of the downward-facing blower fans over
the entrance of a room and separating it out with an invisible curtain or air. The benefit of having one of these in the entrance is that it
helps to prevent the warm air from leaving the building in the winter, similarly, in the summer, it helps to keep the cooler air in.
Air Curtains tend to be used and mounted above an entrance where the doors for the entrance are required to stay open for operational purposes. Another benefit of having one of these air curtains above the entrance is that it also helps with being able to keep flying insects out of the building, as it creates a forceful turbulence barrier which flying insects will struggle to pass through. Air curtains help in all sorts of environments, from the office for employee comfort and satisfaction to commercial catering environments, Air curtains are an essential addition to any sophisticated commercial environment.
Below is our full range of Air Curtains, in partnership with Dimplex. Feel free to contact the team on 01934 253600 for any further information, or advice, or to place an order.