The Megaflo range of water cylinders is vast, and along with the huge number of variants comes confusion. The diverse range of Megaflo cylinders shouldn’t be shied away from. There are only a few details you need to take into consideration when choosing your Megaflo.

The very first factor you should consider is the size – they range from 70L to 2,500L. Most customers looking for a domestic model of a Megaflo won’t exceed anything around 250L. So if you’re looking for a domestic Megaflo, you don’t have to look past that. The larger domestic Megaflo cylinders have the option to come with more elements. You will see this in the product title, for example – 250DDD, the ‘D’ represents one element. Adding extra elements changes the amperage of the cylinder and also drastically improves the recovery time.

Here’s a separate blog on how to choose the right size cylinder here.

After working out the size of your desired Megaflo, you then need to think about whether it is direct or indirect. The difference between direct and indirect is how the water is heated, either directly (a built in element) or indirectly (separate gas boiler etc.)

There are some u large-megaflo-eco nique models of Megaflo cylinders, which are the SystemReady and SystemFit. The SystemReady is designed for use with a system boiler, whilst the SystemFit is designed to make the installation process easier and quicker. These two specific models aren’t as popular as the Megaflo Eco or Eco Plus.

Knowing whether a cylinder is unvented or vented is vital, however with Megaflo cylinders, you just need to know that all are unvented.

The commercial Megaflo cylinders are slightly different to the domestic units, and you need to know more about the cylinders in order to choose the correct model. For these you will need to choose everything I have mentioned before, as well as the elements, temperature and pressure gauges, what bar you need, and which immersion kit you need.

For all other questions about the Megaflo range, please give us call on 01934 253600 to speak to one of our friendly water heating experts.