Here at Electrical Deals Direct we’re really pleased to have partnered up with this company and we’re happy to say we can offer the entire range of the Marco Water Boilers.
Most people would be forgiven for thinking that ‘catering style’ water boilers are generally only in a counter top format. However, the Marco water boiler range embraces the traditional counter top types along with wall mounting versions and some under counter multi temperature models, freeing up valuable counter space, with the water dispensed via specialist tubular fonts with very neat built in drip trays. Some of these go right up to 8.4 kW for high demand environments.
There are some good new features on a few of the Ecosmart versions of the popular counter top models too, including operator adjustable temperature, programmable push button portion dispense (great term, Marco!) and an easy to read LCD panel. These new models are the most recent additions to the range.
Amongst the range of brewers there are some standard ‘no frills’ manual commercial models right up to twin serving precision units that can deliver 4 litres immediate draw off.
As well as a grinder, there are also some full-blown easy to operate coffee machines that can deliver up to 467 cups per hour, all with half and full brew feature.
To find out more about the Marco water boilers range of products, please call one of our knowledgeable, friendly experts on 01934 253600, and they will be happy to guide you to the right product for your environment and specification.