Are Hands-in Hand Dryers Disappearing?

Collection of Various Hands-In Dryers Collection of Various Hands-In Dryers

What's going on in the world of Hand Dryers? Lately, we've noticed the trend of the Hands-In Hand Dryers being less and less requested when chatting with our customers, aside from the evident end of the AB14 model from Dyson, we wondered if there were many other factors contributing to this downturn.

1) Dyson AB14

Perhaps the clearest-cut reason is that the 'major' brand in the field, Dyson, has discontinued their AB14 Hands-In model. With its lack of drip tray or any means to collect any wastewater, it's no wonder those of these units that are left around in bathrooms offices and businesses are a little worse for wear, potentially giving many a poor taste that might be spilling over to the idea of a hands-in option overall. We dread to think how many people have turned back to the damaging paper towel to avoid the use of the AB14 altogether.

2) Size & Space

We think another major reason could be the space and size taken, with Hands-In models taking up many more times as much room as a Hands-Under model. Many washrooms are moving towards a more spacious and open design, and Hands-In models certainly aren't competing in the slimline DDA/Equality Act 2010 compliance that so many specifiers are striving for. This can really put people off in the market, especially when a huge chunk of hand dryer's purchasing audience is in public sector spaces and public access spaces, as opposed to private use dryers.

3) Performance Gaps Have Closed

At the time when Hands-In Dryers were exciting and novel, one of their major selling points was that, for the concession in space and size, the motor performance of the Hands-In when compared to the Hands-Under could offer a significantly reduced drying time, one major selling point. As the years have rolled on, the innovation and invention of new motor styles have managed to reduce this gap, Hands-In is no longer synonymous with faster, and many of the modern Hands-Under motors can offer better drying times thanks to the progression of technology.

Thoughts and Conclusions

These are just some of the things we've been thinking about that could have contributed to the slow disappearance of the Hands-In drying style, but what we'd really love is your feedback and thoughts! Whilst we regularly receive reviews about the advice assistance and standards of our service (check out our Trustpilot here), we rarely get many reviews of the products we sell, we'd love to hear what you think about the Hands-In vs Hands-Under state of play, maybe you're a specifier who's got a unique insight or opinion not covered above and we'd love to open a discourse about this topic. We're always available on the phone line 01934 253600 or, via email, at: