Biodrier eco hand dryer Of all the hand dryer manufacturers, Biodrier offer perhaps the widest range of hand dryers.

As well as offering a good choice of efficient, powerful and very reasonably priced ‘hands under’ hand dryers, they are also leading providers of several ‘hands-in’ dryers. These hands-in dryers are excellent competition for the Dyson Airblade, and include additional features, such as count-down timers and air freshening capability.

The most recent addition to the Biodrier hand dryer stable is the G-Wave, which cleverly combines the drying style of a hands-under dryer with a drip tray and HEPA filter, to ensure top levels of hygiene.

The table below summarises the main features and differences of the Biodrier range, so you can see which dryer fits your requirements at a glance. Of course, for more in-depth discussion about your particular environment and requirements, please feel free to give us a call and discuss things further on 01934 253600: we’re always happy to talk hand dryers to anyone who’ll listen.

Biodrier Hand Dryer Table