Megaflo 210i Data Sheet
The Heatrae Sadia Megaflo Eco cylinder(s) are the most popular and well-known brand of water heater cylinders in the UK, with a fantastic reputation for quality. The most popular model in the range is the Eco 210i - 210 litres, indirect. This datasheet highlights the main specification questions we regularly receive, and allows this unit to be compared easily with other models from different manufacturers. For a full explanation of each of the specification attributes in this Data Sheet, please click here, or call 01934 253600 to discuss the Megaflo Eco 210i Cylinder with any of our on-hand experts! Heatrae Sadia are known for their brand ubiquity, commonality of installer knowledge and servicing, as well as being known for their in-built expansion vessels - at the time of conception cahnging British Water Heating as we knew it. One such of these incredible models is the 210i sheet as detailed below, find what makes these units so sought-after