Hyco Powerflow Smart Multipoint Water Heaters have been in the market for several years now, with options from the 30 to 100 Litre range that is designed to suit small households, flats, or apartments, offering incredible single-unit solutions that can easily power one-bathroom properties hot water needs. Throughout my time at Electrical Deals Direct, these units have become one of my foremost recommendations in the sector. Hyco Powerflow is now my go-to answer when customers enquire "What's the best water heater?" or "What's the cheapest water heater?" So why does the Hyco Powerflow seem to keep coming up foremost in my recommendations?
1) Price
The Hyco Powerflow range is often over £100 cheaper (ex VAT) than comparable water heaters. Despite the lower price, these units are made with high-quality components, including stainless steel with excellent insulative properties, ensuring both durability and performance. The price does not speak to the quality however, these Powerflow units are made with the same or similar quality components as you could find on the most expensive or high-end solutions, the same stainless steel grading and insulative quality.
2) Energy Efficiency
Another reason that these water heaters really stand out is their energy efficiency. Whilst not exactly shouted about from the Rooftops from anyone in particular, these units achieve something incredible. From 30 to 100 litres, the Hyco Powerflow units are an A-rated appliance. There are many things that these units do that help them towards this rating, but when you combine this incredible efficiency of use with the low-cost price point, it becomes really difficult to recommend - for a residential location - anything else. Most market competitors in the sector struggle to achieve even a B rating, the only reason we've found that this selling point doesn't really land is that up until now we ourselves haven't seen much shouting about it!
3) User Interactivity
The ways that these units manage to achieve the incredible A rating for energy efficiency also prove to be a selling point in and of itself. Whilst an "install and forget" approach is indeed quite appealing, Hyco manages to offer quite a lot of user interactivity features with these unvented storage units, i.e., the two key ones being the eco mode and smart sensors. With smart adaptation, the Powerflow range begins to sense a particular time of day that hot water is in highest demand, e.g. the pre-work morning shower or post-gym bath, and begins to adapt to suit these times, using less energy for hot water heating when it's less likely in the day that hot water is demanded from outlets or basins. The second feature is the eco settings, giving the user the power to hold water at a lower temperature on demand, whilst this might slightly limit top-end performance where large quantities of hot water are needed, for more time than less this results in less energy being spent per hour to operate a Powerflow than an equivalent market competitor. If you're willing to interact with Powerflow a little bit, it begins to quickly provide a much more effective hot water solution than its competitors.
For further information on these or other products, give us a call at 01934 253600 where we are happy to talk shop, advise or assist in any ways we can. Thanks for reading.