Although air source heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular for their energy efficiency and environmental benefits, they are also getting some misleading and bad press from people suggesting that they don’t work well, the water isn’t hot enough, or you need to have super-efficient levels of insulation before you can even think about getting one.

Apart from these claims being mostly untrue, they are not even an issue if you are considering an air source heat pump for your hot water, rather than your central heating.

Several established manufacturers are now producing products which combine a mini heat pump with an unvented hot water cylinder, and these are proving extremely popular. This isn’t very surprising, given their advantages when compared to a traditional electric cylinder.


The advantages of heat pump cylinders.

They are different from central heating heat pumps because there is no need for a unit outside: the whole of the heat pump is built into the cylinder itself, with air inlets and outlets running between the heat pump and an external wall.

This delivers a number of important benefits:

1.      Simplicity of specification

Specifying the right model is simply a matter of specifying the right water capacity, just as it would be for a traditional cylinder. The heat pump which is built into the cylinder will be the right power and capacity.

2.      Straightforward Installation

There is no external unit, and the water and power inputs/output are exactly the same as for a traditional cylinder, so if you are replacing a traditional cylinder, installation is very straightforward.

3.      Use of Cheap Rate Electricity

By setting the cylinder to heat up at night, you can use much cheaper electricity – typically reducing the price per unit of electricity by 65% - and then by the morning, you have a tank full of hot water.

4.      Energy Efficiency

Integrated heat pump systems are highly energy-efficient. They can produce more than three times the amount of energy they consume, (this is the ‘COP’ value in the product specification). This reduces the running cost even more (i.e. by 3x) resulting in significant energy savings.

5.      Consistent Performance

These systems are designed to provide a consistent supply of hot water throughout the year. Modern integrated units can operate efficiently even in colder climates, ensuring that you have hot water whenever you need it.

6.      Quiet Operation

Integrated heat pump systems are known for their quiet operation. Unlike traditional water heaters that may produce noise during combustion, these systems work silently, contributing to a peaceful home environment.


In short, these new products are so cheap to run and straightforward to install that they are bound to become increasingly popular as people look for environmentally friendly products which are also budget-friendly.