What Should I Set The Temperature Of My Underfloor Heating System To?
When using an Underfloor Heating System in your property the average user might find it a little difficult to get a grasp on the ideal temperature for your system, there are a fair few factors to consider that's for sure! We aim to present the following points to mull over, and with some explanation, this article should help you figure out the sort of settings that are just right for you, with the focus being on experience and efficiency.

Things to Consider: Manufacturers
The Most important thing to consider when setting up an Underfloor Heating System would be the manufacturer's guidance. There is an idea that your average Flow Boiler would aim to create a water circuit that sits at the 30/40 degree mark, which is well designed for UFH circuits, but this doesn't mean that a higher temperature can't be utilised when considering the brand you'd like to work with. Let's take for example the Premier Heat range- these operate at 60 degrees, which is far too hot to be circulating in a UFH system, however when considering budget the price of one of these units as well as an external temperature control/thermal cutoff for the circuit might be lower than purchasing some of the more expensive UF purpose-built units.
Things to Consider: Flooring Type
Another major factor to consider would be the flooring type. Depending on the materials that compose your flooring, such as concrete with screed, or wooden flooring, you might want to set a different temperature. A less dense under material would be more susceptible to leak, so a higher temperature may feel more suitable for wooden floors as compared to a concrete/screed underfloor which would do better to retain any heat from disappearing below the floor line. Different zones in a property might well be subject to different conditions, thus using relays for larger-scale solutions or setting zone-based controls would be the best way to maximise both comfort and energy efficiency.
Things to Consider: Preference and Efficiency
Finally, you might want to consider comfort and efficiency. The average user would likely enjoy Underfloor Heating experiences around the 19-24°C mark, this usually is the most comfortable range as experienced by most users. It's always important to bear in mind that hotter temperatures would require a larger electrical demand- even if only by a small amount, and that over time would contribute towards a higher operational cost.
We sell a broad range of Underfloor Heating Systems here, as well as any necessary blending valves, and installation kits. Really, we can offer any of the materials necessary to make these boilers fit for your needs. If you happen to have any further questions or you just prefer to chat with a real person about things of this nature, don't hesitate to give us a call at 01934 253600. We are on hand to advise and assist as best we can! Many thanks for reading this.