Solar Powered Hotwater with Megaflo!
We at Electrical Deals Direct often get asked about Solar Powered or Solar Ready Hotwater Cylinder needs. Energy svaing is ebcoming more and more popular, alternative heat sources are being explored with the natural gas prices rising. Often, we get curious questions in regards to solar panels and water heaters, so we would like to attempt to clear some of our Frequently Asked Solar Powered Questions here for your needs!
- What is a Solar Hot Water Cylinder? Hotwater cylinders have been a staple in new construction and projects for some years now, here in the UK as we make the moves away from natural gasses and oil powered heaitng, Solar Ready unvented systems are beginning to make a real impact in the market. They utilise the solar power as provided from an installed setup on a building to electrically power the buildings water heating demands, this could be personal use water or central heating systems, the limit is really only on the weather!
Did you know: Up to 50% of UK Households that have Solar Panel electricity generation don't utilise it? Despite over 900,000 UK homes having them!
- Why should I use a Solar Powered Cylinder? A Solar Powered Cylinder could reduce the overall bill in your household massively, the exact mechanics vary household to household, but let's run through an example scenario: House A Uses 50% Electricity and 50% gas to power its hot water. Across a year, 100 units of power would cost them say £1 per unit of gas, and £0.50 per unit of Electricity, this totals £75 a year. Comparatively, the use of 50% Solar to 50% Electricity would cause the bill to decrease by the £50, as you're generating the solar energy yourselves, the comparative costs saved would offer your houehold massive savings here. Using a solar cylinder not only allows massive savings, providing an alternative renewable energy source free's the fuel / kW demand for use elsewhere. As a plus, any further solar energy is reserved with the panels, offering solar powering even through the night / darker days.
- Is Solar Water Heating Cost Effective? According to the Energy.Gov Website - "Solar water heating systems cost more to purchase and install than conventional water heating systems. However, a solar water heater can usually save you money in the long run." We would tend to agree, whilst the initial set up cost can be quite daunting, fo rthose home owners seeking to make a smart longer term investment, solar energy can prove massively money-saving. This proportional payback is only set to increase along the rising gas and fuel costs. There are various resources out there such as that can offer calculation and efficiency information.
- How do i choose the best system for me? Choosing the most appropriate Solar Ready Hot Water Cylinder could prove key in saving your energy bills in the world looking forward. Choice have an incredible article, this extract we think helps sum it up really well -"A well chosen solar hot water system or a heat pump may cost more to begin with, but for most homes they'll be significantly cheaper to run than a conventional electric or gas system. That's good for your bank account and good for the planet. And some of the purchase cost can be offset with government rebates and incentives"