Being one of the UK’s most successful online providers of hand dryers we regularly get asked – which hand dryer will be best for my business.

There are various different factors that could mean a hand dryer is suitable or not suitable for the environment you intent to install it in however there is one golden rule which will ensure that all of these factors suit your needs. The more washroom traffic you expect to have, the more you need to spend.


The main three things you need to consider are:

Drying times

If for example your hand dryers are going to be installed in a washroom where there is going to be a lot of traffic such as a stadium or cinema then you do not want a hand dryer that is going to take 20+ seconds to dry your hands as it will result in queues, people won’t want to wait and will end up drying their hands on their jeans and complaining.

You will want a hand dryer that has a quicker drying time to avoid queues and these hand dryers tend to be a bit pricier.

Power Consumption

If your hand dryers are going to be getting through a lot of use then surely you want a hand dryer that uses less power to save money on your electricity bill? The conception is that the higher the power of the hand dryer the faster it will dry hands. This is not always the case – take for example the Mitsubishi Jet Towel Smart, one of the best hands under dryers on the market, this uses a minimal amount of power at 660W but also has one of the fastest drying times at 9 seconds. On the other hand you have the Warner Howard SM48, this is a budget hand dryer with a power rating of 1.8KW – it has a 32 second drying time. Cheap – but uses a lot more power – and takes longer to dry.

Noise Level

This can be an issue when installed in environments such as restaurants where you may have tables located close to the washroom. Being sat at one of those tables can be very frustrating – imagine paying to go out to an expensive restaurant for your anniversary only for it to be ruined by people going in and out of the washroom every 2 minutes accompanied by the noise of a very loud hand dryer shouting over the top of your conversation. Lets go back to the Mitsubishi Jet Towel Smart, yes a more expensive hand dryer but it only has a Noise Level (dB) of 58. On the other hand the Warner Howard SM48 yes much cheaper but it has a much louder Noise Level (dB) of 76. This is a huge difference.

So the bottom line is you get what you pay for. The more you spend the better-quality product you will get. Faster, more cost effective and quieter.

For more expert advice on what Hand Dryers to purchase you can contact us on 01934 253600 or you can use the selection tool on our website.