Head-to-Head - Infrared Heaters vs. Heat Pumps
Heat pumps and infrared heaters are both popular options for home heating, but they work in different ways and have different pricing and efficiency considerations. Several factors are at play here that could dictate to the user the overall best path of action regarding using alternative methods of heating your home, in this article, we aim to compare Infrared Heaters vs Heat Pumps & the relative uses and benefits of each, especially in comparison to your traditional Convection Heating methods.
Heat Pumps - A Long-Term Solution for the Budding Environmentalist:
In brief, Heat pumps are electric heating systems that extract heat from the outside air or ground and transfer it into your home. This makes them a highly efficient heating option, as they can produce up to three times more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume. However, their upfront cost is typically higher than that of an infrared heater, with installation costs ranging from £1000 to more than £3-4000+ depending on the size of the unit and the complexity of the installation. Heat pumps are generally a more efficient long-term solution for heating your home compared to infrared heaters. While heat pumps can be more expensive to install upfront, much to the media's despairs they can save you money on your heating bills over the long term, as they can produce up to three times more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume. The use of Heat Pumps here also allows for adaptability, letting you orient your various water heating methods and alternative forms of water heating to benefit from the power generated- future-proofing your property! What's more, the Government have a grant scheme in place where in which qualifying customers are able to access some financial support in the installation of these heat pumps. Read more on this here.
To Summarise:
- Expensive to Install, Though Support is Available
- Incredibly Efficient Heating System
- Future-Proofed for Alternative Household Heating/Hot Water Upgrades
Infrared Heaters - Quickfire and Effective Green Solutions:
Infrared heaters, on the other hand, are generally much less expensive upfront, with prices ranging from around £50 for a small portable unit to a few hundred pounds for a larger model. They are also relatively easy to install and can be moved from room to room as needed. However, they may not be as efficient as a heat pump, particularly in larger or poorly insulated spaces, and they can be more expensive to operate over the long term. There are some core benefits when switching from your conventional radiators (called convection heaters) but we've summarised many of these points already in this wonderful article. Quick to install and much more user-friendly, the average consumer could very easily purchase, utilise and optimise an Infrared Heating setup. Zonal control allows for the precise application of heating and ensures optimal efficiency where a Heat Pump must operate on a household-wide basis. For budget-incentivised purchasers, the average Trianco or Herschel Infrared Heaters cost a low fraction of the price and can ensure minimal heating spend where say a single room in a flat f.e is all that'd be required. For rental accommodation, the specifier/landlord is much more likely to take heed of a cheaper, quickfire, and fast results solution like Infrared heating replacements, as opposed to a costly proposal regarding Heat Pumps.
To Summarise:
- Flexibility and Ease of Control and Use for the End User
- Much Cheaper Costs Than the Heat Pump Plan
- Near Instant Results, Starts Displaying Efficiency Immediately, Saving on Costs
Heat pumps are generally a more efficient long-term solution for heating your home compared to infrared heaters. While heat pumps can be more expensive to install upfront, they can save you money on your heating bills over the long term. In contrast, infrared heaters are typically less expensive to purchase upfront and can be effective for providing supplemental heat in small areas or in situations where a central heating system is not practical. It's important to note that the most efficient heating solution for your home will depend on a variety of factors, including the size and insulation of your home, your climate, and your heating needs. A qualified HVAC professional can help you determine which type of heating system is best for your home and budget. Please don't hesitate to give us a call on 01934 253600 to discuss your requirements.