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What Type of Environment Are You Going To Use Your Instantaneous Water Heater For?

Commercial Hand Washing

Domestic Kitchen / Bathroom

High-Volume Commercial 

(3-phase electricity)

What type of environment are you going to use your instantaneous water heater for?

Click on ‘Commercial Hand Washing if you are after a point-of-use water heater – mostly these are the type which sit over the sink and have a spout which dispenses the warm water. They are usually less than 3kW and so can run on a standard ring main without special wiring required.

For home use, select ‘domestic bathroom / kitchen’

For heavy duty appliances capable of producing substantial quantities of hot water on demand, select High volume commercial  - all the appliances here will require 3-phase electricity.

Some of our favourite instantaneous water heaters:

This page is part of the 'helpmechoosemy...' series which helps you choose exactly the right product, by answering a small number of simple questions. Using these pages will lead you to an appropriate selection of hand dryers, water heaters, or boiling water products so you can make your final choice. Along the way, you will find links to our Advice Centre articles which will give you more information about each of the choices you are making, and a lot of information about each of the questions.

Of course if you need any other help or have very specific requirements, our experts are always on hand to get you the right answer, and to suggest different brands which may represent better value for money. So don't be shy about giving them a call or selecting the option on the bottom left of the screen to get us to call you back.