A comparison of the Dyson AB14 Airblade hand dryer versus the Mitsubishi Jet Towel.
The image below summarises, in a clear and concise form, the key areas of comparison between the two hand dryers.
'Blade' or 'hands-in' dryers are becoming more and more popular, but these 2 are at the top of the tree in terms of price and quality. They also each hold a significant place in hand dryer history - the Mitsubishi because they invented the concept, and Dyson because they popularised it.
The Mitsubishi is not only cheaper to buy and run, but its noise levels are much lower: noise is a problem with many high speed hand dryers, but the Dyson (despite the 'dB' name and the reduction in levels) continues to attract a lot of criticism in this regard.
It also has a drip-tray to prevent water dripping down the side of the dryer onto the floor, and is adjustable in terms of its speed and its heat (Marks and Spencers use the unheated version). In fact, on all criteria except the warranty, it is the same or better than the Dyson, so our recommendation would be that unless a Dyson Airblade AB14 is explicitly specified for brand reasons, you should be seriously considering the Mitsubishi Jet Towel.
These hand dryer data sheets are meant as a guide to the main features of the specified hand dryers, at the time they were created. Although they compare hand dryers on specified criteria, each of these criteria will have a different level of importance for each customer and so they should be take as no more than a guide. An explanation of how the figures above are arrived at can be found by clicking here. For a full discussion of which hand dryer is best in any particular circumstances, please call our experts on 01934 253600.