Head-to-Head Tap Boiling Water Tap Comparison: Billi & Zip Taps

When it comes to choosing a Boiling Water Tap for smaller office spaces, we feel there are two clear competitors in the Boiling Taps market that provide boiling and chilled water for your office users. We offer a side-by-side comparison here, so you can really aim to see the differences between the two brands in a factual and informative manner.
Boiling and Chilled for the Smaller Office Space - Quadra Compact XL 20 vs BC100/75 G5
About Billi
Billi was once a primarily Australian brand, in their own words:
"The Billi brand is synonymous with innovation and we provide boiling, chilled and sparkling drinking water systems. Moreover, everything we make is of uncompromising quality backed by a world class customer service experience."
Today Billi operates across several countries, including the UK, and aims to offer a variety of Boiling, Chilled, Ambient, and Sparkling Water tap options for use in a variety of environments. Their Billi Quadra XL20 is designed to offer 100 cups of boiling water and 150 cups of chilled water an hour, perfect for any small to medium office space. Their sleek designs and accessibility options, as well as the ability to choose these in a huge array of unique colour options, make these an incredibly luxurious and effective offer to the purchaser.
About Zip
Perhaps less is needed to explain Zip, they're the market leader and at the small to medium office space scale offer their brand new G5 range of Boiling and Chilled water taps. Also, an Australian brand, Zip has grown to become the most popular range of Boiling Taps worldwide, the BC100/75 G5 introduces their latest generation 5 technology to offer the smallest tank in their range, capable of providing 100 cups of boiling water, and 75 chilled, an hour to the users.
How do they stack up?
Initial Cup Delivery
This Measure is based on the initial amount of boiling cups that could be provided from a single larger usage. The Billi Quadra XL 20 sits atop the BC100/75G5 here, able to provide 20 to Zip's 15, though this isn't a massive degree, it may be something to consider for the office room that requires those sorts of larger or at once demands of boiling water, being able to service a larger group at once would reduce hassle in the office space ensuring minimal time is spent to get those tea's and coffee's out to the workforce!
Hourly Output
As discussed above, the hourly output of these two taps in comparison is quite close when it comes to the Boiling output, both units promising 100 cups an hour of boiling water, but when it comes to chilled water output the Billi really shines, offering 150 cups an hour to Zips mere 75! We think whilst in many cases this difference will go unnoticed, for those particularly concerned this can be a massive benefit in favour of the Billi tap.
This can be considered another quality win in Billi's favour here, whilst prices may vary and fluctuate, the Billi consistently comes in substantially cheaper than the Zip model, at just 2499.17 exVat compared to the Zip taps 3035.52 exVat (prices accurate as of the time of writing 28.04.23).
Warranty and Support
This is definitely in Zip's favour, whilst there is nothing necessarily wrong with Billi's warranty and system, we can confidently say as the larger brand there are definitely more resources, user experiences, and "brand weight" for the BC100/75G5 is definitely there. Being more commonly purchased, many specifiers might consider Zip like the idea of the Hoover - overtaking the word Vacuum cleaner for the word Boiling Tap. Many purchasers may simply not know the many benefits of the Billi brand - potentially causing the end users to miss out on what might be a much-preferred product! Both taps offer 2 years warranty, on-site parts and labour, but simultaneously both must be installed and commissioned by their own brand engineers respectively.
Conclusion: Billi Victorius!
Overall, we feel like the above comparisons make the Billi Quadra tap a much more preferable decision, offering many benefits or even more benefits than the Zip G5 at a notable price difference. If you'd like any further advice or assistance on any Boiling Water Tap, from consideration all the way to installation, our wonderful experts are on hand to help online live using the chat feature, through email @electricaldealsdirect.co.uk, or using the telephone line 01934 253600 - we thank you for taking the time to read this article!